
Watch the video below to see our approach to Hashimoto's.

1 - What Is Hashimoto's & Thyroid Disease?

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (also called Hashimoto's disease or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis) is the most common thyroid disease in the United States. It is an inherited condition that affects over 10 million Americans. It is about seven times more common in women. Hashimoto’s disease involves the production of immune cells and autoantibodies by the body’s immune system that can damage thyroid cells and compromise their ability to make thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism occurs if the amount of thyroid hormone produced is not enough for the body’s needs. The thyroid gland may also enlarge, forming a goiter. Hashimoto’s disease results from a problem with the immune system. When working properly, the immune system is designed to protect the body against invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances. The immune system of someone with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis mistakenly recognizes normal thyroid cells as foreign tissue and produces antibodies that may destroy these cells.

2 - Problem

Hashimoto’s is the most commonly diagnosed autoimmune disease but the problem is that the person looks fine from the outside, even though they are exhausted and don’t feel fine on the inside. Most of our patients come into our office, even if they already have a diagnosis of Hashimoto's, on medications- but they are still experiencing most of the typical symptoms. The problem with traditional thyroid care is 2 fold: One is that the thyroid typically is only superficially evaluated on lab work- out of 10 markers needed to fully understand what is going on with the thyroid, typically only 1 or 2 are run. This is typically why Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroid is commonly missed. Secondly, regardless of what is found wrong- even if it is Hashimoto's - the only treatment that is typically offered is hormone replacement therapy in the form of Synthroid or levothyroxine. So picture the problem: the immune system has begun attacking and destroying your thyroid gland.. and the only treatment offered is to give you the thyroid hormone that you are missing because of it. None of that does anything to deal with the autoimmune component- which is why you still experience so many of the same symptoms. If it advances to the point where you have an ultrasound and they see something that they “need to watch”- what are they watching it for? They are watching it till it gets bad enough or becomes cancer- then they are going to move to take the thyroid out. This is why so many people end up feeling lost because they have all the symptoms, but are told it isn’t their thyroid. Or that their numbers look good- even though they don’t feel very good. Or do they have to deal with the worry every time of year when they go back in for follow-up ultrasounds- is this the one they find something bad on. So obviously the elephant in the room is the autoimmune component of Hashimoto's. If the immune system component of Hashimoto's isn’t dealt with, the problem itself will degenerate and never go away.

3 - Fix

Our approach focuses on running the right testing to make sure that we know exactly where the problem is happening with your thyroid issue. Now if you already have a diagnosis of Hashimoto's, that means we can jump right in but we have to do different testing. This testing has to be around WHY your immune system is attacking your thyroid. It needs to be evaluated in the framework of “Functional Blueprint” which is our explanation on why autoimmune diseases happen to begin with.

4 - Outcome

But if we can apply the right framework around Hashimoto's and autoimmune disease, and test around those concepts, now we can find out why that is actually happening to you. Finally, using Biotechnology designed in the healthcare space to target the specific problems that are caused by an autoimmune disease that notoriously have not been able to be helped.


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Suite B 215

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Phone: (410) 290-6275

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